Our story

Now you have the opportunity to explore the world without limiting your vision! Fill it with images, experiences and memories and see everything: clearly. At VYOO, we advocate that life is one and only for this and we must live it to the fullest and not miss the slightest moment of it! So we dreamed of contact lenses that would allow us to enjoy life and its joys without worries.

We prioritized the consumer, understood his needs and identified the weaknesses of existing models in the contact lens market. This is how VYOO was born. We have overtaken middlemen and intermediate citizens and managed to create a subscriber innovative model for the purchase of contact lenses, which allows us to keep prices low.

At the same time, our goal was to create high quality contact lenses based on optimal eye health and ease of use. With VYOO day lenses, you finally have the time to live carefree leaving behind the concern for their care and hygiene.