Social responsibility

Life is full of pictures, and if a picture is equal to 1000 words, then we can not imagine how many words one describes a life! So we want to contribute to a good vision through which everyone will be able to make their own images. And if for some the privilege of sight unfortunately can not be secured through a pair of lenses, then we help through their guide dogs.
That is why part of our sales revenue is given to the non-profit organization Liberty Guide Dogs.

Liberty Guide Dogs was founded in 2018 and trains dogs - guides for the visually impaired and people with other disabilities. The Liberty Guide Dogs's specially trained dogs become the "eyes" of visually impaired people to provide them with the autonomy, mobility and independence they so desperately need in their daily lives.

So, with every VYOO purchase you make every month through your subscription, you help not only your own eyes to see clearly, but also someone else's "eyes"!